The Ultimate Windows Set
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version 4.02 6th Dec 1993
- MIDI support. You can now play .mid files for each game
event. Also, the start sound can be looped so that
you have constant music. Check out the help section.
- New maze algorithm - choice offered. The recursive
algorithm produces longer, more curvy mazes, but
they are much easier to solve.
- Maze creation can now be aborted with Escape.
- Better menu disabling.
- Mud map window hidden during animation.
- Bug fix with mud map being filled when not shown and
moving with mouse only.
- Bug fix with logo bitmap being redrawn when compass,
coordinates, or exit distance option toggled.
version 3.92 4th Oct 1993
- Can now set different colours for the N/S walls and E/W
Walls. Please read the "Colour menu" section of the
help file for special information.
- Hint feature now made a menu option. This was a hidden
feature in previous versions. Enjoy! :)
- Reloading saved settings is now possible from the
Options menu.
- Use middle colour checkbox extended to being maze item
dependent - you can opt to ignore the middle setting
for NS Walls, EW Walls, Floor & Ceiling and Manholes.
- Right mouse button click added as an alternative for
the shift-click combination to look up/down in multi
level mazes.
- Mud map window can now be closed with Alt-F4 and the
menu updated accordingly.
- Help file corrections.
- Bug fix with mud map window being shown when animating.
- Bug fix with placing/removing markers whilst the mud map
window is displayed.
version 3.84 6th Sep 1993
- Bug fix with screen redraw occuring whilst in user
defined colour setup dialog in version 3.83.
My appologies to anyone who got version 3.83.
- Hey! Why not join the mailing list! :) (See revision
info for version 3.52)
version 3.83 4th Sep 1993
- The "RAINBOW" version!
Can now select colour for the walls/floor etc at the
middle and end of the corridor for pure colours mode.
Now you can get some *really* good looking screens!
(It still looks better with end colour at 0, but now
it's up to you to make that decision!)
- Mouse movement changed to move on left button release
to conform to standards and to allow change of mind
after the button has been pressed down.
- Section in WIN.INI was getting big (especially with the
new colour fields!), so options are now saved to
AMAZEING.INI in separate sections.
- Windows 3.1 file dialog for selecting message file.
- Palette now resets properly when window gets focus.
- Palette usage changed slightly so it is okay on ET4000
TURBO drivers.
- Bug fix with extra pixel height on far wall of corners
that was very noticeable in "quick draw" mode.
This inaccuracy is now only noticeable when the
window height is very small.
- Bug fix with exiting or loading a new message file if
one with more than 4000 lines already loaded.
- Bug fix with screen being drawn twice where the
initialization message dialog box was at game
- REMINDER: be bold, be brave, send me a postcard!
version 3.52 2nd Aug 1993
- Customizable wall messages - up to 4000! Can also
have messages with multiple lines.
- Low quality "quick draw" mode for smooth shading.
Approximates everything to rectangles.
- Can now play game with keys in the mud map window.
15 lines of code - didn't take much did it?
So why didn't I do it in 3.21???
- Two more sound events - application launch and close.
- Bug fix with position of mud map window when window
is maximized.
- Bug fix with "Place Marker" menu selection when a
game has been successfully finished.
- New mailing list set up! If you wish to have each new
version of AMAZEING sent to you, just send email
to listserv@oliver.sun.ac.za with the following
line as the message:
subscribe amazeing-list Your Full Name
- AMAZEING is now POSTWARE. If you like the game, please
send a postcard with a picturesque scene from your
country to the following address:
Stuart Swain
3 Bridget Place
Shelley, Perth
version 3.34 18th Jul 1993
- Ahhh! Sound! Customizable sound effects.
- Speed up in drawing.
- Bug fix with redrawing wall messages after moving other
windows away.
- Bug fix with floating point overflow in drawing
calculations (smooth shading).
- Bug fix with user defined setup dialog colour bar for
high resolutions.
- Bug fix for 24 bit displays erroneously reporting to
have > 30 bit capability. (Don't ask me why!! :) )
- Releases now announced on comp.os.ms-windows.announce.
version 3.21 12th Jun 1993
- The long awaited mud map!
- Accelerator keys
- Clearer menus, better help menu
- End marker now shaded (previously always white)
- Bug fix with mouse clicks when not playing game
version 3.03 31st May 1993
- Mouse movement! At last! :)
- Game playable when minimized, although cheat options,
wall messages and mouse movement are unavailable as
an icon. Animation also works in the icon.
- Drawing optimizations
- Minor help file improvements
- Bug fix with messed up desktop icon in version 2.53
- Bug fix with pure colours being turned on when
coloured walls were off
- Bug fix with loading user colour settings from WIN.INI
when pure colours were turned off
version 2.53 28th May 1993
- User defined RGB colours for pure colours mode
- Bug fix with maze creation (percentage indicator)
- Bug fix with man holes in pure colours mode without
maze lines
- Bug fix with size/shape of man holes with resized
game window
- Revision file included in archive
version 2.40 25th May 1993
- Pure colours mode
- Smooth shading
- Maze lines toggle
- Improved colour selection dialogs
version 2.32 1st May 1993
- Save settings to WIN.INI on exit
- Colour setup dialogs
- Position markers in maze
- Faster maze creation
- More cheat options
- Bug fixes
version 2.01
- Coloured walls
- Animate solution
- Help file added
- Bug fix
version 1.01
- Windows version!
- Better cheat options
- Bug fix